Deep State RPG release! 🎉
Hello, internet person. If you read this, you probably took a wrong turn ; or maybe not, which bears even more questions…
Anyway… two days ago, I released Deep State RPG, which was quite an ordeal for me, for this was my first attempt at creating a pen and paper RPG.
So, I would like to humbly express my deepest gratitude for checking it out.
I don't think it will be very good, but I sincerely hope it will give you half a chuckle, or an idea for your next game session (with a game that is not completely broken, I mean).
Done is better than perfect not done
The creation of the game was rather quick and, let's be honest, a bit rushed. After making the first draft, I had little time to reword the design or layout. Basically, I'm not really happy with this first version.
Why release then? Well, with limited time and brainpower to dedicate to this endeavor, and only a few days remaining for the One-page RPG jam, difficult choices had to be made. Whatever I would come up with would not be on par with what I'd wish I'd publish.
So, with greatness out of reach, let's roll with mediocre!
And this is what this game is: the product of my honest to god and passionate (though time-constrained) mediocrity!
Not there yet
So, can anything more be expected from this? I don't know. It really depends on the time I get on my hand. On feedback, maybe. The future is not certain, but if I were to produce an updated version of this game, here is what I would do:
- An entirely new layout: about 20% classier with a Delta Green-esque confidential look and feel. I just (really) need to step up my game with publishing software.
- Illustrations: for instance, don't you think it would be cool to have a small picture with each of the game's 5 classes? I concur!
- Streamlined rules: the design overall, is not tight enough for a light game. For instance, after release, I think the health and recovery system doesn't bring much. Basically, I would be up for a deep overhaul.
- More love for the agent factions: I believe this is where I can try to make the game worthwhile! There is potential, but right now, it a bit dry.
- More missions! More silly crises! As with faction, this is where I think the game could bring something useful to a GM. Our agents need some silly missions from our secret overlords to make the world even more broken than it already is! That's what I'm talking about.
Who know what's tomorrow made of?
In the meantime, I wish you good games at the table, take care and…
Trust no one (except those who matter)
Get Deep State RPG
Deep State RPG
A game of pointless conspiracies
Status | Prototype |
Category | Physical game |
Author | giant_teapot |
Tags | One-page, Tabletop role-playing game |
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